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create cluster

apppack create cluster

setup resources for an AppPack Cluster


Requires admin permissions. Creates an AppPack Cluster. If a <name> is not provided, the default name, apppack will be used.

apppack create cluster [<name>]


      --cidr string     network CIDR for VPC (default "")
      --create-region   also create the region stack if it does not exist
      --domain string   cluster domain name
  -h, --help            help for cluster

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --account string    AWS account ID or alias (not needed if you are only the administrator of one account)
      --aws-credentials   use AWS credentials instead of federation
      --check             check stack in Cloudformation before creating
      --debug             enable debug logging
      --non-interactive   do not prompt for missing flags
      --region string     AWS region to create resources in