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Deploying a Django app

If your app has a requirements.txt or Pipfile in the root directory, it will be identified as a Python app automatically. If you prefer to explicity define the buildpack you want to use, make sure your app.json file looks something like this:

  "buildpacks": [{"url": "heroku/python"}]

If the settings file you want to use is not already the default for your and, add a config var to specify it:

apppack -a myapp config set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=myapp.settings  # replace with dotted path to your settings module

Define your web service

Your web service should listen on the port defined in the environment variable $PORT. Any Python web server will work, but we'll use gunicorn for this example.

  1. Make sure gunicorn is included in your requirements.
  2. Define the web service in your Procfile (replace the last argument with the import path to your projects
    web: gunicorn --access-logfile=- --bind=$PORT --forwarded-allow-ips='*' myproject.wsgi:application


For some applications, the gevent worker class may provide better performance for concurrent request processing. When using it, be sure to limit the worker connections to a reasonable number to avoid overwhelming your database.

Add a healthcheck endpoint

The load balancer will poll your application to make sure it is alive/healthy. It will make periodic requests to the healthcheck URL you defined when setting up the AppPack app. If it does not get a 200 status code response from that URL, it will mark the task as unhealthy and kill it. While you might be able to point it to /, it's recommended you use a dedicated endpoint instead. Potential issues include:

  • sites that redirect all requests to a login page
  • sites that redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS
  • the load balancer makes requests directly to the IP which can result in a 400 status code for sites with a restrictive ALLOWED_HOSTS setting
  • creating unnecessary load by repeatedly generating dynamic content for the page

django-alive is an easy way to setup a dedicated healthcheck endpoint. You can follow the docs in the README, but the quick setup instructions are:

  1. Make sure django-alive is included in your requirements.
  2. Add path("-/", include("django_alive.urls")) to your
  3. Add this at the beginning of your MIDDLEWARE list: "django_alive.middleware.healthcheck_bypass_host_check",
  4. Add SECURE_REDIRECT_EXEMPT = [r"^-/"] to your settings if you have SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True.

Configuring environment-specific settings

AppPack follows the standard 12 Factor standard for configuration. Settings like SECRET_KEY should be set via configuration variables and read from the environment by the application. After creating your application, add them via the CLI:

apppack -a my-app config set SECRET_KEY=your-long-random-string

In your settings, you can read them from the environment:

import os

SECRET_KEY = os.environ["SECRET_KEY"]

ANOTHER_SETTING = os.environ.get("ANOTHER_SETTING", "default-value-for-another-setting")

For more advanced environment variable tooling, check out goodconf or django-environ.

Optional Configuration

Connecting to a database

If you're using the AppPack database add-on, you will have a DATABASE_URL environment variable available to the app that can be converted in your settings with dj-database-url. First, add dj-database-url to your requirements and then add the following lines to your settings:

import dj_database_url

DATABASES = {"default": dj_database_url.config(conn_max_age=600)}

Defining a release task

Typically you want your database schema migrations to run automatically when new versions of your code are deployed. To make this happen, define a release task in the Procfile. release is a special task which runs after the build process and before the new version of your code is deployed. For Django, you can use something like this:

release: python migrate --noinput


AppPack performs zero-downtime deployments. This means that for a brief period, both the previous and new versions of your app will be running side-by-side. Best practice is to make sure your database migrations are always backwards compatible with the previous version to avoid unexpected errors. See this blog post for implementation recommendations.


By default, the Heroku buildpack will attempt to run collectstatic at the end of the build process. This should collect the files to the local file system where they will be a part of the final image. The easiest way to serve them is directly from your app server with whitenoise. For detailed instructions, see their docs.


The build happens in an isolated environment without access to backing resources like your database or Redis. If your application tries to access the database during initialization, the collectstatic command will fail. Make sure any calls to backing resources happen inside function calls, not when the files are imported.


If you need to build static files using Node.js before running collectstatic, you'll want to add the heroku/nodejs buildpack to your list of buildpacks. In your app.json file, make sure you have something like this:

  "buildpacks": [{"url": "heroku/nodejs"}, {"url": "heroku/python"}]

Make sure your package.json and package-lock.json are in the root of your repo and you've defined a build script which will be responsible for assembling the production-ready assets.

Connecting to Redis

If you're using the AppPack Redis add-on, you will have REDIS_URL and REDIS_PREFIX environment variables available to the app. AppPack uses both a username and password to connect to Redis. Some older redis libraries do not support this functionality. As of Django 4.0, a Redis cache is included with Django. Just make sure redis is in your requirements and add this to your settings:

# built-in redis cache with Django >= 4.0
import os

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "django.core.cache.backends.redis.RedisCache",
        "LOCATION": os.environ.get("REDIS_URL", "redis://"),
        "KEY_PREFIX": os.environ.get("REDIS_PREFIX", ""),

For versions before 4.0, you can add the django-redis package to your requirements and use the following settings:

# django-redis cache before Django 4.0
import os

    "default": {
        "BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
        "LOCATION": os.environ.get("REDIS_URL", "redis://") + "/0",
        "KEY_PREFIX": os.environ.get("REDIS_PREFIX", ""),
        "OPTIONS": {"CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient"},

File storage

The local filesystem for the application is ephemeral. Any files that need to be accessible across versions or services should be stored in S3. An S3 add-on is available for both publicly accessible files and private files. Add the django-s3-storage package to your requirements and use the following settings:

import os

# Replace 'PRIVATE' with 'PUBLIC' for the public S3 add-on
if "PRIVATE_S3_BUCKET_NAME" in os.environ:
    AWS_S3_KEY_PREFIX = os.environ.get("PRIVATE_S3_BUCKET_PREFIX", "")
    # AWS_S3_BUCKET_AUTH = False  # Default to public files when using a public bucket

It is important that you only use the Django file storage API in your application. It closely mirrors the Python API, but will seamlessly switch to using S3 when using the settings above.

Outbound email

You can send email using any email provider, but AppPack has an SES add-on available which integrates with AWS' service and has a generous free tier. To send mail with the SES add-on, add django-ses to your requirements and add the following settings:

EMAIL_BACKEND = "django_ses.SESBackend"
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = ""  # Replace with a domain you've enabled in SES
AWS_SES_REGION_NAME = "us-west-2"  # Replace with the region your app is deployed to

Background tasks

Any background task manager will work on AppPack. For smaller sites, we recommend one that uses the database as its queue such as Django Q. This reduces the need for additional services which add complexity and cost. If you prefer to use Redis as your queue, make sure username and password authentication is supported and that you can define a key prefix for the queue. See Connecting to Redis for more details.

To run your background worker as a service, add it to the Procfile with something like this:

worker: python qcluster  # replace with command to start the worker

If you're using the SQS Add-on, you can use celery by adding celery[sqs] to your requirements. In your settings, you can use the following snippet to define the broker:

import os

QUEUE_URL = os.environ.get("QUEUE_URL", "")
if QUEUE_URL.startswith("sqs://"):
    CELERY_BROKER_URL = "sqs://"