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Bring Your Own Cluster Domain

When setting up a cluster, AppPack needs access to a domain which has a hosted zone in AWS Route53.

The easiest way to do this is to register a new domain in Route53. Amazon will create the hosted zone for you as part of the process.

Whole Domain

If you have a domain you'd like to use and it is not managed via a Route53 Hosted Zone, you can create the hosted zone and then update the domain's name server (NS) records to allow it to be managed in AWS.

This process is outlined in Amazon's Creating a public hosted zone document.


You can also use a subdomain of a domain you already own. If the domain is part of a Route53 Hosted Zone already, no further action is required. AppPack will find it and create the necessary records.

If your DNS is managed elsewhere, you can create a Hosted Zone for just the sub-domain you wish to use.

This process is outlined in Amazon's Creating a subdomain that uses Amazon Route 53 as the DNS service without migrating the parent domain document.